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Automatically track calls made on mobile to HubSpot

Salestrail's automatic call logging keeps you up-to-date with call activity history - inbound calls and outbound calls and call duration - to provide real-time support and feedback for your sales reps. 

  • Get 100% accurate call data in Hubspot
  • Save salespeople's time by automatically  updating Hubspot 
  • Improve Hubspot data quality and gain transparency with automated data capture
  • Get call analytics – without using VOIP or CTI 

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A smartphone app to log calls to Hubspot

Salestrail's Android and iOS app logs calls seamlessly - without you lifting a finger. The calls made with your SIM carrier and Whatsapp are automatically logged to Hubspot and to  a cloud-based dashboard that allows you to analyze performance.

With Salestrail's call log app, you can configure your app settings to only auto-track the calls you want. 

  • Set business hours for automatic call logging 
  • Mark your calls as private and they won’t be logged
  • View your call logs by date/ phone number 
  • Search and call contacts in your phonebook with the in-app dialer
  • Calls outside the app will be logged too - no need to adopt a new call routine 
  • Call recording for training purposes 

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Enrich Hubspot with automatically captured call data

Salestrail's automatic call logging keeps you up-to-date with call activity history - inbound calls and outbound calls and call duration - to provide real-time support and feedback for your sales reps. 

By using Salestrail your sales team is keeping your data in top notch shape, simply by calling  clients. You’ll see massive improvements in reporting and performance.

Salestrail captures:

  • Type of calls: inbound vs outbound, answered vs unanswered,  you name it. 
  • Call duration: with accurate data on the time you spent talking on the phone, you'll know how long is too long. 
  • When the call tool place, you'll know when you're customers are most likely to pick up
  • Salestrail can record calls too (Android only)

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How it works

Get started without any technical hassle.

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Create free account

to access the dashboard.

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Connect the dashboard to Hubspot

with just one click

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Invite your co-workers 

and ensure they install the mobile app on their phones for automatic call tracking.

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Monitor call performance

Voila! Now you can easily keep track of your teams' call activity in Hubspot and in the analytics dashboard 


Sales call recording for Hubspot →


Sales call analytics for Hubspot →


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Power Your Salespeople to Sell More Today

Salestrail is every salesperson's best assistant - with our support, you'll start using your CRM to close more deals.

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