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The #1 Sales Call Tracking Software for Remote Teams

Gain critical insights into what's happening in your remote sales teams. Know which sales reps are thriving, and which need more help with remote selling.

True Visibility. Data-driven. Scale Best Practices.

The No.1 automatic call tracking software for mobile calls. 

Start free trial

salestrail dashboard and app - compressed

Follow your reps' sales calls performance - anytime, anywhere.    

How can you manage and motivate your sales reps, away from the heat of the sales floor? We all know it - working from home can be ... unstimulating, and Salestrail is here to help. 

Once the Salestrail app is installed on your mobile phone, it automatically tracks your sales calls to the Salestrail Dashboard, where you now can have a complete overview of your daily sales activities. Keep your finger on the pulse of your performance and adapt your revenue strategy for success. 

All with no extra setup, no changes in the way your salespeople work. 

Dashboard ( Personal Data )

100% accurate data on your sales calls 

Gather data-backed insights into your call performance 

Have you ever wondered how many calls you should make per day to close a sale?  Or what is the best time to call a lead? With Salestrail's automatic call capture, you'll gain easy access to your call patterns and quickly improve your sales call performance. 

Close the gap between your top performers and everyone else 

What are your top sales reps doing differently than others? Maybe they make more calls per day, maybe they keep their call duration under 5min, maybe. Without high-quality data, your best guess is just a guess. Use Salestrail to shine a light on the magic formula that will bring your average sales reps to their best game. 

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How it works

Get started without any technical hassle.

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Create free account

to access the dashboard.

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Invite co-workers

to join Salestrail and start tracking calls.

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Ensure the mobile app is installed

on your colleagues' phone for automatic call tracking.

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Monitor call performance

Voila! Now you can easily keep track of your teams' call activity. 


Automatic Call Logs for CRM→


Pricing →

Ready to lead your remote sales reps with full visibility?

Create clarity for sales managers, focus for sales reps with Salestrail. 

Start free trial