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Are your sales teams calling enough?

Salestrail helps sales leaders to automatically track and follow call details -  ZERO technical implementation. 

Start free trial

No credit card required.

This is Salestrail

Cloud based dashboard + Android and iOS app

No technical implementation - Start in less than 1 min

Affordable at only a few $ / user per month

Tracks and records regular SIM calls
- No need for VOIP

Customizable reports & excel exports

Salesforce, Hubspot and API integration for connecting to CRM

Stop guessing how many calls your sales team did today

Automatically log and record your sales teams’ mobile calls

View and analyze call details online anytime

Export call reports with filters

Push call data to your CRM for data richness

How it works

Get started without any technical hassle.

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Create free account

to access the dashboard.

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Invite co-workers

to join Salestrail and start tracking calls.

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Ensure the mobile app is installed

on your colleagues' phone for automatic call tracking.

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Monitor call performance

Voila! Now you can easily keep track of your teams' call activity. 

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Get started with the Salestrail solution for monitoring calls!

A non-VOIP solution that allows you to monitor all calls made by your salesteam. 
Get started today

The #1 Call Tracking Software for

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Remote sales teams

Know how many calls your remote teams have made. Create a sense of healthy competition with call leaderboard. Replicate your best sales rep - working from home! 

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Ensure that all your leads are reached. Follow call details easily: 
  • Most active hour by calls 
  • Call duration 
  • Last call & first call of the day
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Save time from manual call logging to focus on selling. No extra costs, no changes in the way you work. Just pick up the phone and ring the cash in. 

“If you are struggling to learn what activities your sales reps are taking, use Salestrail - it’s easy to use, and it gives you data to run your business.”

Michael French
Senior Director of Business Operations, VECTRA

Salestrail really brings transparency to manage sales activities that all sales managers have been hoping for.”

Markus Nisula
Managing Director, KONE Philippines 

It’s not another tool that salespeople have to use. Even in a difficult time, a solution like Salestrail is critical to sales teams to keep track and stay focused

Jan-Burger van Wyk
SDR Manager, Bannerflow

Monitoring mobile calls on Android and iOS

Are you interested in knowing how much total talk time your sales people have had? We let you monitor the call history of multiple mobile devices and analyze amount of inbound and outbound calls, amount of answered and unanswered calls and total duration spent on the phone. 

Salestrail is a tool for monitoring calls made on mobile devices,  supporting both Android and iOS. The difference to most solutions in the market is that Salestrail allows you to monitor and record calls that happen over the mobile network (PSTN, POTS) and means you do not need to use a VOIP or CTI solution to get the benefits of call recording and call monitoring.. 

Get free trial
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