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Vulnerability Disclosure Program

How to disclose vulnerabilities

You can send the vulnerability that you want to disclose to support@liid.com. Please answer the following questions in your email:

  • What type of vulnerability is it?
  • What are the steps to reproduce the vulnerability?
  • Who would be able to use the vulnerability and what would they gain from it?

Feel free to include attachments:

  • Screenshots
  • Logs
  • Etc

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Praesent quis ipsum mattis, molestie nunc ut, rhoncus libero. Quisque auctor tempor arcu sit amet laoreet. Nam scelerisque, felis sed semper rutrum, ligula massa semper turpis, vitae commodo dolor tellus quis libero. Quisque ut scelerisque sapien. Sed at dolor in risus lobortis interdum in eu sapien. Morbi aliquet commodo est sed malesuada. Vestibulum sit amet semper tellus, lacinia fermentum est. Integer et urna nec enim tristique mollis. Sed suscipit mauris quis suscipit semper. Quisque at laoreet diam. Nulla vehicula tortor lacus, posuere ornare ipsum mattis sed.