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Automatically capture sales calls with Salestrail 

Salestrail provides a sales call tracking app with a call tracking portal for sales teams. The app automatically logs your sales calls to an online dashboard - or a CRM of your choice, without you lifting a finger. 

What exactly Salestrail can log: 

  • Type of calls: inbound v outbound, answered v unanswered, you name it. 
  • Call duration: with accurate data on the time you spent talking on the phone, you'll know how long is too long. 
  • Call history: you can load your call history with our call log app, ensured that you have your call log backup.

Start free trial

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Super easy-to-use call log app for Android 

Salestrail works seamlessly on your Android devices. The current app version allows you to:

  • Set up your business hours 
  • Choose the calls you want to automatically log
  • View your call logs by date 
  • And more features to come!

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Gain full visibility into your sales teams' call performance

Have you ever wondered how many calls you should make per day to close a sale?  Or what is the best time to call a lead? With Salestrail's automatic call log capture, you'll easily access sales call statistics and call analytics,  identifying your call patterns and quickly improving your call performance. 

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How it works

Get started without any technical hassle.

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Create free account

to access the dashboard.

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Invite co-workers

to join Salestrail and start tracking calls.

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Ensure the mobile app is installed

on your colleagues' phone for automatic call tracking.

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Monitor call performance

Voila! Now you can easily keep track of your teams' call activity. 


Pricing →

Spend More Time on What Matters Most

Salestrail is every salesperson's best assistant - save 30% of your time on to close more deals. 

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